"Humane, science-based horse training is a type of
training where the user combines an evidence-based understanding of equine behaviour with his genuine love and respect for horses in order to train and handle
horses in an ethical yet effective way.
This book will introduce you to the science behind animal training and explain how you can use positive reinforcement and other non-coercive techniques to train a wide range of behaviours. It
also include twenty or so step by step training plans so you can go out and teach your horse to give his feet, lead calmly, back up and so much more."
Hannah B (Monday, 25 December 2017 22:00)
I received this book for Christmas and have read quite a bit already. I am new to positive reinforcement and have been slowly learning with my Highland mare since about September this year using mostly the Connection Training online resource and this book solidifies everything I have learned and explains everything so clearly. It is the best book on positive reinforcement I have found so far and I am really looking forward to putting into practice what I am learning. I also am reading Barefoot, Bitless and Whipless and Whipless and was encouraged to see that the author of this book recommended Fairhorsemanship.
Angela F. (Friday, 06 October 2017 16:54)
I received my book today and am struggling to put it aside. Unlike most books on horse training I've seen, Alizé writes in a way that is clear and straight-forward. There is no 'padding' or waffling, every sentence serves to illustrate her points.
Easy to understand; I would like to recommend my university add some copies to their library for other equine behaviour students.
Sydne Pruonto (Tuesday, 03 October 2017 22:05)
This book is both an absolute delight to read as well as an absolute must for anyone interested in clicker and positive reinforcement training. Or, for any horse owner and lover, really!
The book is a very good comfortable size to read and has very nice coloured images which go perfectly with the sections and training they describe.
This guide is the perfect introduction to positive reinforcement training - it is easy to read and the examples of behaviours to train are all very relevant to everyday life with a horse, and also some fun things to teach your horse. A more advanced trainer myself, I still found some good points that were raised and some inspiration for my own training.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone starting out with clicker and positive reinforcement training, as well as to more advanced trainers.
An absolute must in any tack room!
Amanda Winston (Friday, 29 September 2017 12:02)
A great book for everyone, easy to follow and understand and explains just how effective kind training is when done properly. Brilliant! Everyone with a horse should have one - the perfect present :)
Lianne Bowman (Monday, 25 September 2017 18:19)
Excellent book!
Provides easy to understand insights into equine behavior and learning theory. Clearly explains the difference between using positive and negative reinforcement training.
Step by step easy to understand instructions for how to begin using positive reinforcement with your horse as well as practical applications for day to day handling.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in learning about humane scienced based training for their equine companions.
Alison Willis (Monday, 25 September 2017 12:14)
Wonderfully written, highly comprehensive and one of a kind. Thanks for all your hard work in producing this book, shall be recommending everywhere x
Donna commons (Monday, 25 September 2017 08:57)
This is an easy to read book giving you an understanding about why the horse reacts in different situations and helps healing these with Positive Reinforcement. A must have buy for any Horseman / woman wanting to understand and be at one with there horse through Clicker Training.